Python Installation & Fundamentals & Data Types
Python Installation, Basics of Strings, Integers, Floats, Lists, Tuples, Booleans, Comments
Fundamentals & Data Types (contd.)
Sets, Dictionaries, Type Conversion
Loops, Iterations & Control Flow
Ranges, Different types of loops, break, continue and pass statement
Loops, Iterations & Control Flow (contd.) & Other Miscellaneous concepts
Problems on ranges, Different types of loops, break, continue and pass statement zip function, iterators
Functions and Error Handling
Basics of function, Scope, Anonymous function or lambdas Exception Handling: Try, Catch, Finally, User defined exceptions
Importing modules, Module Installation, User defined Modules, Numpy, Pandas os, time, glob
Array and Vector Operations
Reading csv, excel, Dataframe manipulation and data wrangling
Basic plotting, 2D curves, Statistical problem, Scientific Computation, Symbolic Programming
Classes & Objects, Methods
Inheritance, Method overriding, super keyword, Abstraction, Encapsulation
3D curves and Interactive data visualization
Introduction to Image processing: resizing, blurring, filtering etc.
First class functions, closure, decorators, file I/O, context managers, generators