import 'dart:math';
void main() {
// Abstract Class & Methods
// You can't make an instance of an abstract class
// Abstract class always meant to extended by some other class
// When any class extend an abstract , it must override it's
// abstract methods
var circle1 = Circle(3);
var square1 = Square(3);
abstract class Shape {
void test() {
void draw();
double calarea();
class Circle extends Shape {
int radius;
final pi = 3.14;
void draw() {
print("Drawing a Circle");
double calarea() {
return (this.pi * this.radius * this.radius);
class Square extends Shape {
double length;
void draw() {
print("Drawing a Square");
double calarea() {
return pow(this.length, 2);
You can't declare an abstract method inside a simple class . You can only declare abstract methods inside abstract class
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You can have an abstract class with only normal methods , but that defeats the purpose of using an abstract class